Yellow green
Printing Method: Engraved
Printer: National Bank Note Co.
Subject: George Washington
Plate #'s: 15, 26
Quantity Issued: 27,000,000
Perforations: 12
Scott #: 68
Earliest date of use: August 20th, 1861
$20 - $45
No postmark with gum (MH)
$175 - $300
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$6,000 - $17,000
Dark Green
(Showing Double Transfer variety)
$20 - $45
No postmark with gum (MH)
$400 - $850
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
Imperforate horizontally
Used value $1,500 (2020)
The most common use was to pay the single-weight, cross-border rate to Canada or the transcontinental California rate. An example of the latter is shown above.
Type I (#62B) - The outer oval frame line above “U.S. POSTAGE” is NOT present. The background around the stars is filled in, and the shadows around the stars are less prominent.
Type II (#68) - There is an additional bit of scrollwork above the center the edge of the frame design.
Double transfer in TAG of POSTAGE
A proof on card (#68-P4) with perforations added to resemble #68. The difference is that #68 was printed on stamp paper, not card.
The earliest known date of use is January 13th, 1862
George Washington
Gilbert Stuart, 1803
Source image for the design of the vignette
Vignette progressive die proof on ivory paper
Progressive die proof on India
Progressive die proof on India
68-E var
Vignette essay with head facing right
Specimen Large die proof on India
Large die proof on India