10¢ Orange yellow or golden yellow
Printing Method: FLAT PLATE
Subject: Benjamin Franklin
Number issued: 231,750,000
Perforations: 10
Watermark: Single line USPS wmk
Scott #: 433
Issued: September 9, 1914
No postmark with gum (MH)
$13 - $40
Full perfect gum, no postmark
no trace of stamp hinge mark (MNH)
$35 - $70
The ten cent stamp was issued especially to care for letters sent by registered mail to points within the United States, the denomination covering both the letter rate and registration fee. It was also used on foreign bound letters weighing more than one ounce.
The watermark consists of single lined USPS letters. A stamp may show only part of a letter or letters
A pane of 100 of #433, there were four panes to a sheet of 400
Sheets perforated 12 having been found unsatisfactory the gauge was reduced to 10 in an effort to increase their strength. This stamp 'was printed from plates bearing the same markings as the previous issue with an additional printing from some plates having only a plate number. All plates used, however, had 2.75 mm spacing.
#433 was issued with the following plate #'s
Imprint, "A" and number.
"A" and number.
Number only
(shown above)
6735-42, 45, 62
7204-05, 13, 15
The earliest known use of #433, November 12th, 1914
Bureau of Engraving, Washington DC, Men printing sheets and women checking them in the stamp print room
Bureau of Printing and Engraving truck
Small die proof printed for the Panama-Pacific Exposition of 1915, post office exhibit